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nellie geraghty
nellie geraghty

Nellie holds an MFA in Illustration (and some might say printmaking) from the Rhode Island School of Design.

She is currently the NOAA/AICAD Art and Science Fellow for 2024–2025 and is receiving additional support

for this project through the Somerson Sustainability Innovation Fund through RISD Research.

For 14 years, she seeded, shoveled shit, drove tractors, and oversaw distribution and sales on farms across

the United States. Through this work, she was exposed to all sorts of agricultural practices, people,

and ways of life. She was confronted with questions, conflicts, and solutions that involved humans and how

they interact with the natural world on multiple levels. During this time, she became highly appreciative

of the complex food systems that have developed globally but was simultaneously disturbed by resource depletion, disadvantages, and the disrepair modern-day agriculture has caused to so many human and ecological communities worldwide. She came to the realization that although modern-day agriculture

is efficient, it is also often damaging and destructive.

She has become consumed with the question: How do we, as humans, begin to reverse the endemic problem

of destroying our planet for the sake of our own benefit? From this, all her work evolves.


Nellie also loves watching things grow, asking a ridiculous amount of questions, talking to cows, and making people laugh. Feel free to get in touch to discuss collaborations, art, animals, gardens, food, or anything else!

CV available upon request. 


I love notes, questions, recipes and good news!

Selected PRESS

They are links!

Inaugural RISD TEDx Speaker Series | Rhode Island School of Design | 2023

The Association of Independent Colleges of Art & Design and NOAA Fisheries Announce Fellow  | e-flux Education | 2024

The Art of Assembling the RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition | Providence Journal | 2024

RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition | Providence Journal | 2024

nellie geraghty providence journal

Complex Abundance, Cover Feature Providence Journal, May 2024

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